Photo Portfolio Reviews

Meet your reviewer.

Any photographer at some point in their career will benefit from the motivation and perspective that is received from a photo portfolio review.

A photo portfolio review is not about gathering friends, relatives and some peers to comment about your work. Only an experienced professional can provide the constructive criticism on the weaknesses and strengths behind your work in order to find the theme/story and technical combinations that work perfectly for YOU.

Clive celebrates fifty years in the photography industry. In 2002 he founded the Silvershotz contemporary photography magazine. In a ten-year period, his office outside London managed the design and printing of over half a million magazines which were distributed in 1400 bookstores in 37 countries. In 2015 Silvershotz was the first company to develop an interactive multi-platform magazine app.

Clive is perfectly positioned to review folios and advise aspiring photographers. During the last twenty years he has assessed over 6,000 magazine submissions and selected over 700 visual artists to be published in one hundred magazines and six books. Take advantage of Clive’s warm, friendly and insightful knowledge to help you achieve your goals.

Silvershotz Folio review layout Paul Emile Rioux
Tribal portraits by Biljana Jurukovski

The importance of a Photo Portfolio Review


A photo portfolio review involves having a professional photographer, photo editor, or agent assess your body of work and provide detailed feedback on its strengths and areas for improvement, and also highlight your weaknesses. Enjoy the rush of excitement that results post review when someone you respect gives you honest feedback about your work, and how to improve and help you grow as an individual in your passion.

Remember that we’re always far too close to our own work to ever be able to look at it with a critical eye; and the people who love us are too nice to provide the kind of feedback we really need. And this is why these reviews are so essential. Experienced professionals can help you achieve the big picture, and the only way to do that reliably is with the help of an outsider’s perspective using fresh eyes. Detailed and objective visual commentary is something we all need if we’re going to grow as photographers.

Photo Portfolio Reviews offer opportunities for you to fine tune your project, so it is ready for distribution to key contacts and career advancement for photographers/visual artists working at all levels.

Photo portfolio reviews have historically been held in a physical location where groups of reviewers will sit at tables and do a ten-minute review of prints. Today it is presented as digital images online to the reviewer as a lengthy one on one review.

You decide what you want to present and compile it into a themed portfolio. You can provide links to an online gallery or upload between 30 and 50 images via wetransfer.

Email the transfer to editor @

Clive will then arrange a 90 minute zoom call.

What to expect and how to prepare.


One of the key components of the review is to ensure your story or theme is consistent with the images presented. Your story telling and sequencing will be evaluated.

We will discuss the importance of tailoring your body of work to different types of opportunities, from gallery and exhibitions to print publications such as books or magazines through to online publications. Each of these opportunities require their own specific formats.

To gain a better understanding of you and your work expect the following questions to be asked: is this your first body of work, what is your story or theme about, how many images are in each theme, how long have you been working on this theme, what is your approach and artistic process, is this a finished body of work or a continuing series, and finally but very important, what is the goal you want to achieve?

Think about these questions so you have the answers prepared for your zoom call.

Silvershotz is so excited to help you reach your goals. Ask away in case you have questions we have not covered.

Black and white layout

Your Next Step

1. Purchase the Platinum Lifetime + Folio review in your selected currency.

2. You will receive your Lifetime Membership badge you can use on your website, blog and emails.

3. Email editor@ your goals and a brief resume of your story, personal & details about artwork. Provide a link to your work, or submit about 50 images to via wetransfer

4. Once the editor has viewed your portfolio then a 90 minute zoom meeting will be scheduled to discuss your work and career goals.