Submissions open for the 2025 Folio Book
Every artist needs a patron.
Why submit your folio to Silvershotz?
Magazine and book publishers worldwide receive thousands of submissions every day; the competition is fierce. Silvershotz provides integrity and credibility to your work as a world leader in publishing contemporary photography since 2002. Silvershotz has published 100 magazines, six folio books and featured more than 700 emerging photographers and distributed 470,000 quality magazines.Use our reputation as part of your marketing.
Silvershotz strongly suggest that you become a member and use our folio review as your virtual coach to nurture, inspire and guide you on your journey to success.
View sample layout page of Elizabeth Opalenik

The 2025 Folio book
Silvershotz and a number of industry peers select a maximum of fifty visual artists for the Folio book. Silvershotz selects a diverse range of subjects and media types from alternative processes, mixed media, film, black and white, digital, plus 3D software creations. A Limited Edition of 1,000 quality books are printed for distribution. A total of 250 books are supplied to the photographers ( 5 each), and 250 are gifted to galleries and institutions. The balance of 500 are made available to readers across the world.
Submissions close March 31st 2025

How we market you and your art
- 250 copies are mailed FOC to galleries.
- Each artist has 5 copies to gift.
- 500 copies are sold to members first, then general readers.
- A PDF of your layout is provided for promotion.
- Instructions on how to promote the book and your work on social media in conjunction with Silvershotz.
- A digital copy is provided in our Library.
- A digital copy can also be purchased via Amazon.
- A nine minute Video interview of you is posted on our Youtube and Vimeo channels.
- View sample layout page of Marcin Andrzejewski